Box Office Hours: M-F: Noon-7:30pm
Weekends: 2:00pm - 7:30pm

Tiny Box World Series: A Dream Within a Dream by Kate Huston

April 5, 2024


May 23, 2024

Opening Reception:

Friday, April 5, 2024

5:30 pm
7:30 pm

Purchased artwork may be picked up on May 24.

Register Here for Kate’s SHADOWBOX WORKSHOP on May 19th in the Gallery.  Prior registration required, $1 registration fee.  Capped at 20 attendees.

Artist’s Statement

I was introduced to the art world at an early age when hours were spent in the Museums of Boston and Public Library where I discovered the diorama rooms that enacted images of scenes of history in tiny boxes.  Being left alone to my own devices in these museums through the east coast and Smithsonian Natural History Museums I began to explore the magical world of nature and how it worked in my child’s memory.  Always having a fascination with the spiritual world of nature and mysterious musings of fantasy worlds created during the Victiorian Era in science and nature books my parents kept.  I began to explore my art with collage boxes made of found objects at the Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston in 1995.  During several moves I started collecting images from old postcards from the early 1900s along with etchings of animals and science journals dating from the Victorian Era of Enlightenment.  Using these images I began to build imaginary scenes of fantasy worlds where humans and nature coexist on an astral plane of mystical imaginations.  20 years in the making and continuing to create Tiny Box Worlds each having its own musings of human interactions with Nature.

Artist Biography:

Kate Huston was born in New Mexico in 1971. During her early childhood she moved to Boston where she attended Museum School of Fine Arts in 1995 and graduated with a BFA in arts education and Studio Art. In 1999 Kate was accepted into the art residency at the Ucross Foundation in 2000 and after her residency she moved to Montana and has resided there since.  She currently lives outside the Bozeman area. She has attended the residency at Montana Artist Refuge in Basin, Montana and has had several shows throughout the state of Montana including the Holter Museum of Art, Radius Gallery and at the Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman Montana.  She continues to create her Tiny Box World Series with an upcoming solo show in Basin Montana at the Artist Refuge Gallery in May 2024  along with future shows.


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