We all belong somewhere, and The Myrna Loy welcomes everyone here. There are a hundred reasons to belong to The Myrna Loy – great movie-watching scene, easygoing Pub hangout, high-impact arts education, support for local artists, and tremendous live performances by world-class artists. Giving is an art. Do it your way.
CLICK HERE TO GIVEIf you were kicking yourself for not buying a nameplate for the new seats in the main auditorium before they were sold out, here’s your chance. We are now offering nameplates for 44 of the super-comfortable new seats in the Screening Room. All but the back row have drink holders! It’s a great way to support The Myrna and could be the perfect gift for the loved one who has everything!
click here to buy a seatClick the link below. Choose your amount to give, and click on the box next to “I would like to dedicate this donation” (it’s a little hard to see). The type of tribute doesn’t matter. Under “Tribute name,” just write the name of the PERSON YOU’RE HONORING, or ARTS EDUCATION, or whatever you’d like to support. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you.
Click here for a memorial giftA look at our brick sidewalk shows why we say The Myrna Loy is community-fired. If you don’t see your own, or if you want to see a grandchild’s name there, just let us know. It’s a cool way to be part of what’s best about Helena – our community’s arts legacy.
Buy a commemorative brick for the Walk of FameOur amazing business partners get some PR splash, reach Myrna Loy audiences of all kinds, and gain a lot of social capital supporting the ongoing mission of The Myrna Loy and its movies, performances, arts education and community activities.
Please contact [email protected] to explore the many possibilities, from sponsorships for our annual Myrna’s Night Out gala or our full Performance or Film seasons to sponsoring one of our outrageously fun Brew & Views. Business Sponsors Transform Everything!
Become a Business PartnerEncore! is The Myrna Loy’s planned giving society. Its members have committed to supporting The Myrna Loy for the long term by including The Myrna Loy in their will or setting up another type of planned giving instrument to benefit The Myrna Loy.
If you have already named The Myrna Loy (or Helena Presents) in your will, or set up another type of planned giving instrument to benefit The Myrna Loy, please contact Development Director Dan Hollow at [email protected] or call 406-443-0287 ext. 23 so we can properly recognize you as a member of Encore!
If you want to learn more about planned giving that can financially benefit you, your heirs, and The Myrna Loy, just ask your qualified financial advisor.